I am here. Florence is beautiful. How cliche to say but it is. My apartment is tiny but very close to school and to the duomo. Everytime I walk around florence i think about concepts for my thesis.
Space, photography, capturing the city and bodies in space. Francecsa Woodman, walter benjamin, paul mccarthy,
Francesca Woodman: using the house as tool
blends in with the walls
displaying bodies in motion on film
Walter Benjamin: the city in fragments, in snapshots, in images
Paul Mccarthy: how people react to being enclosed in space, how it feels
On Friday I went to an art opening called Emerging artists. The first piece was a video of a man compulsively measuring the size of the room he was in. It exemplified man's desire to dominate space or a space. A task that can never be completed. The artist: Luca Trevisani and he won an award for his video installation.
Another discovery: Lisette Model ( found in italian elle) was a photographer who came to new york in the early 1900s and started shooting for harpers baazar
I also have located the only photography museum in Florence which is located near the Santa Maria Novella.
Last weekend I went to a great flea market in the piazza compei.