I am fascinated by biographies and journals. The two that I would definitely recommend is the biography of Lee Miller, who lived a thousand lives in one and the journal of Susan Sontag which was published last year.
My sister first stumbled upon Lee Miller and then I saw a show of her work a couple of years ago at the Victoria and Albert museum in London. She was absolutely fascinating. She was discovered by Conde Naste in New York, was Man Ray's apprentice, muse and lover, discovered solarization, photographed world war 11 for life magazine and recorded the first use of napalm. If this doesn't make you want to read her biography I am not sure what will.
She was also integral in the surrealism movement and was friends with Pablo Picasso and Jean Cocteau.
She also attended Vassar College for a brief time and grew up in poughkeepsie when it was a thriving city, unlike today.
I read her biography on the plane from Paris to New York and at the end I was so engrossed and i didnt want the book to end. This is also the plan ride where I convinced myself I was sitting next to Lance Armstrong because he was a. wearing shorts in october b. had shaved legs and c. was blonde. When I exited the plan in New york i got a better look... he looked nothing like lance armstrong.
Susan Sontag journal information to come...